(907) 746-7875

Mountain Safety
Know The Code
Familiarize yourself with the Skiers Responsibility Code
Emergency Contact
Skeetawk - Pioneer Patrol Aid Room
(907) 746-7875
Inherent Risk of Skiing
Understand the Alaska State law & the inherent assumed risks as a skier.

Know The Code
Skier Responsibility Code
Always stay in control and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.
You must not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.
Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
Prior to using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride and unload safely.
Inverted aerials are not recommended.
Use of alcohol or drugs that impair the safety of yourself or others is not allowed.
Be safety conscious.
If you are involved in a collision with another skier/boarder you must stay at the scene until ski patrol arrives.
Know The Code. It’s Your Responsibility.
Know the signs of the international trail marking system. They explain the degree and difficulty for each trail.

The system of difficulty markers is relative and only valid at this area. This system is not necessarily the same as a similarly rated trail at another ski area. Skiers/boarders should begin with the easiest trails regardless of ability level, until familiar with the trails at the area. During periods of low visibility or other inclement weather and snow conditions, the degree of difficulty of the ski/snowboard run my change. Know your ability level and stay within it.
Inherent Risks of Skiing
Under Alaska law, the risk of an injury to a person or property resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing rests with the skier. Inherent dangers and risks of skiing include changing weather conditions; existing and changing snow conditions; bare spots; rocks, stumps and trees; collisions with natural objects, man-made objects, or other skiers; variations in terrain; and the failure of skiers to ski within their own abilities. If you are involved in a collision with another skier/boarder you must stay at the scene until ski patrol arrives.
Be advised that all poles, flags, fencing, signage and padding on equipment or objects or other forms of marking devices are used by the area to inform you of the presence or location of a potential obstacle or hazard. These markers are no guarantee of your safety and will not protect you from injury. A rope line made up of bamboo and rope, with no closed signs, indicates a hazard behind the line and can be considered a warning rope.
Please observe posted SLOW ZONE areas by maintaining a speed no faster than the general flow of traffic. Fast and aggressive skiing/boarding will result in the loss of skiing privileges.
Who are we?
Skeetawk Pro-Patrol
Full and Part time paid positions covering the mountain from the beginning until the end of the ski season during operating hours.
Pioneer Patrol Volunteers
National Ski Patrol volunteers that assist Pro-Patrol in their daily duties, and supplement resources when needed.
Mountain Safety Volunteers
Volunteers assisting with Pioneer Ski Patrol & Pro Patrol daily duties such as mountain set up, mountain sweeps, and assisting with on-hill incidents & reporting.

Where to find us